This series, which was preached in March of 2015, is dedicated to affirming (and reaffirming) the absolute trustworthiness of God's word, particularly it's inerrancy.
Sermons from this Series
Mar 29
The Holy Spirit as the Executor of God's Infallible Word
Preacher: Sam Ellyson Scripture: John 16:12–16:15 Series: The Inerrancy of the Bible
Mar 22
Metaphors For the Word of God That Point Us to the Word Become Flesh
Preacher: Sam Ellyson Scripture: Hebrews 4:12–4:13 Series: The Inerrancy of the Bible
Mar 15
Oh How I Love Your Law!: Affirming "Inerrancy" in Our Hearts
Preacher: Scott Ristau Scripture: Psalm 119:1–119:176 Series: The Inerrancy of the Bible
Mar 8
Jesus and the Bible
Preacher: Sam Ellyson Scripture: Matthew 4:1–4:11 Series: The Inerrancy of the Bible